
Wednesday 18 May 2016


Reviews or my ‘Recent Watch’ posts are posts that I often struggle to write. From the beginning I knew I wanted to review films on this little space and have so far posted nine full film reviews. I’ll admit that the good old saying about practice making perfect does seem to be true, I feel more confident posting my honest thoughts and the writing process isn’t as tough as it once was, but there are three specific thoughts that go through my head when I talk about a recent watch.

What do I actually think?
There are good films, bad films and some that are just plain ‘meh’. Unfortunately you can’t write a review of just ‘it was meh’. It is easier to write a review when you know exactly whether you liked it or not, it’s those that fall in the middle that are tough. Picking apart what you liked and what you didn’t about a film you’ve seen once has its challenges and opinions have to be justified.

How do I write that?
So I know what I think, now how do I write that? How do I get my clearly get my opinion across and be entertaining? My process of writing blog posts, and specifically reviews, includes a lot of scribbling in various notebooks. I open a page and word-vomit everything I want to cover and as I write I use it as a check list. I aim to strike a balance between writing with personality but professionally. I don’t want reviews to sound like a sterile media essay.

Does it matter?
Probably the biggest struggle I have is when I begin to wonder whether anyone actually cares about what I think. There are countless reviewers of everything on and off the internet, does my opinion really matter? I combat this by reminding myself how much I enjoy creating content for my blog and that I care what goes on it. The beauty of the internet is that there’s room for everyone, here is a home for creativity and opinion.

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